Ship your (AI) IOS app in days not weeks!

The SwiftUI boilerplate with all you need to build your AI-wrapper IOS app, or any other IOS app and make your first $ online fast.

25% off for the first 100 customers. 68 left !
32 users Ship faster
Product Demo
User Authentication6 hrs
Firebase Setup3 hrs
Notifications & Cloud Functions5 hrs
Revenuecat Integration + Paywall4 hrs
UI Library20 hrs
Backend OpenAI Services12 hrs
= Total hours of headache50 hrs
↓ There's an easier way

const launch_time = "Today";

Supercharge your app instantly, launch faster, make $

Login & register users, process subscriptions & display ads. Spend your time building your startup, not integrating APIs.

Ship Swiftly provides you with the boilerplate code you need to launch 1 APP in 1 DAY.



  • Communicate with openAI safely
  • Set rate limiting
  • Limit usage to your app uniquely, no compromise, no worry
  • Time saved: 12 hours.
  • Money saved from being stolen: ∞ $

Boilerplate preview

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Save hours of repetitive code, ship swiftly, get profitable!

One-Time Purchase

AI-powered Boilerplate

Starter + Perfect for a Full-Stack AI app




  • SwiftUI boilerplate
  • Google / Apple Authentication
  • Full Firebase integration
  • RevenueCat integration
  • Code updates
  • Full, clear documentation + video tutorials
  • Secure Production-Ready Backend for OpenAI (written in swift)

Pay once, build unlimited projects !


Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions ? Contact me on

  • 1/ The Swift starter with all the boilerplate code you need to run an IOS app: a subscription system, a database, login, UI components, dark mode and much more. All the repos are available in Swift & SwiftUI, which makes the programming language barrier easy for newcommers.

    2/ The documentation helps you set up your app from scratch and is very well structured and clear for you to understand.

    3/ If you get the AI-powered boilerplate, you get access to a secure, production-ready backend service that you can deploy in 3 minutes with the documentation provided. So that you can make an AI app without having your private key stolen.
  • The boilerplate is very rich in reusable components and comes in a unique neomorphic theme.
    When it comes to paywalls, it has one custom paywall and the possibility to integrate cloud paywalls for faster A/B testing.
    It comes with all the code you need to communicate with the database fully.
    More than 30 UI components, sound manager, haptic feedback, lottie animations implemented, a good user experience, very well structured and fully customizable. Use passcode to enter the app possibility and much more..
  • SwiftUI, as it is getting more and more popular and is replacing UIKit.
    SwiftUI is a framework that is very beginner-friendly to get your hands on coding if you are new.
    If you developed in React before to make websites, learning SwiftUI might take you just a day if you are willing to build more complex stuff. (You can build an app with the documentation even as a beginner.)

    Placing your api key on the app is a very risky move, as you can only make it harder for the client to find the key, but never impossible.
    If a client reaches your api key somehow (through sniffing for instance, which can be done in literally an hour tops by anyone who downloads the app), your business is compromised and openai will charge you for how much they use it. And openai isn't really that cheap as the requests can pile up.
    Having the backend ready is safer, because your app will be communicating with your own server, which in turn has the api key and communicates with openai. Sort of a tremplin to avoid the client having access to your key. This way, you are safe and sound and won't have to ever worry.
  • We are not selling you code. We are buying you time.
    Simply because there aren't. Or they don't compare.

    With ShipSwiftly and the documentation, you're going to spare days of work.
    ShipSwiftly is the only boilerplate that is full-stack, meaning that it fulfills your needs from backend all the way to frontend to build a fast, robust scalable app with no compromises.
  • Obviously you can.
    You have 2 weeks post-purchasing where I assist you with all your needs and in case you are not satisfied, you will get a full refund.

Apps built with Ship Swiftly are already live on the app store

Here's some apps that were shipped swiftly

  • Really easy to use. The tutorials are really useful and explains how everything works. Hope to ship my next project really fast!

    Elixir - AI mental health
    Elixir - AI mental health's testimonial for ShipSwiftly
  • Setting up everything from the ground up is a really hard, and time consuming process. What you pay for will save your time for sure.

    Logs - Business Coach
    Logs - Business Coach's testimonial for ShipSwiftly
  • Easily saves 15+ hrs for me setting up trivial stuff. Now, I can directly focus on shipping features rather than hours of setting up the same technologies from scratch. Feels like a super power! :D

    Aido AI - Your AI companion
    Aido AI - Your AI companion's testimonial for ShipSwiftly

32 makers are already shipping swiftly!

Don't take our word for it. Here's what early adopters have to say

    • We are deploying our ios app this week. Shout out to @Ofus0x For building an amazing boilerplate. I could get my hands on swift for the first time and literally built a high-end app in a weekend. Feels u real.

      Paris Hilton $Sol's testimonial for ShipSwiftly
      Paris Hilton $Sol
    • Setting up everything from the ground up is a really hard, and time consuming process. What you pay for will save your time for sure.

    • Easily saves 15+ hrs for me setting up trivial stuff. Now, I can directly focus on shipping features rather than hours of setting up the same technologies from scratch. Feels like a super power! :D

      Wahab Shaikh
    • I wanted to build an App on IOS, and saw @Ofus0x launched ShipSwiftly as a boilerplate for it 🔥 Tried it for myself, and I have to say it's a game changer 📷 Comes with easy to follow tutorial, and saves you a ton of time. What's not to love? It's still in early access !

    • My API keys were constantly being leaked on my apps. Literally lost hundreds of $$ and was about to give up, before finding Ship Swiftly. Now even my app is built different.

      Zawwad Ul Sami
    • Probably one of the most powerful things you can 'git clone' that I've seen

      Dan Mindru